New features in {overviewR}

overviewR (v 0.0.10) is on CRAN and comes with new features 🚀

Cosima Meyer
3 min readApr 24, 2022

The package is meant to serve as a Swiss army knife for exploratory data analysis. The basic functions allow you to investigate sample coverage across different time points, missing values across your variables, and also the overlap among two data sets.

First we start by installing the newest version and other packages that might be helpful.

Multiple time arguments

overview_tab allows you to use multiple time arguments. Here are some examples how to use the function:

Time can be a character vector containing one time variable (it can come in a YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format and can either come as an integer or in the POSIXt format)

It can also be a list containing multiple time variables ( time = list(year = NULL, month = NULL, day = NULL)).

Colors in overview_plot

You can use colors in overview_plot to identify time periods. Here, we introduce a dummy variable that indicates whether the year was before 1995 or not. We use this dummy to color the time lines using the color argument.

Change dot size in overview_plot

You can also change the dot size in overview_plot.

Visuale cross plots with overview_crossplot

overview_crosstab has now its visualizing counter-part with overview_crossplot!

Compare two datasets directly

Using overview_overlap, you can now compare the overlap in time and id variables across two data sets visually.

Use data.table under the hood

And, last but not least, overview_tab and overview_na now also work if you're using data.table objects 🥳 (Thanks to my old team @ Kienbaum for being patient enough to explain and let me learn the (not so intuitive) syntax 👩🏼‍💻)

Here’s a more detailed overview of what each function can do:

New website

And, as a bonus, we also updated our package website using the {preferably} theme

Originally published at

